Grateful Surfer

Canvas 20” x 24”

Time: Approx. 2 hours; March 3rd, 2019

Cost: $1,500

Artist Statement

“By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us—set us right with him, make us fit for him—we have it all together with God because of our Master Jesus.“ Romans 5:1 (MSG)

Pastor Doug talked in his message about getting tangled up in lust for money, but never feeling satisfied—like Gollum in The Lord of The Rings who possesses the ring, but lust for the ring actually possesses him. I needed to hear this message again, since at least once a day lust for money grips me like Gollum’s “precious.” It starts with the gnawing fear that I’ll end up a loser, and I think, “If only I had more money, I could do more for God, for my kids, have security, less anxiety, etc.” I ruminate and strategize for material success. I get mesmerized by a glittery future. I just need to work extra hours, save, invest, etc. I’m hunched over thinking “My precious is all mine!” But, my sense of life flattens, my anxiety skyrockets—I’m constricted to the single unrelenting demand of making money—all freedom is gone.

In the image, a surfer overcomes the “crushing waves” of reality with arms open, free and fearless! The surfer lets go of his surfboard—money. But how? Who can do that? Who can really let go of money? But, wait! Who IS the surfer? It’s certainly not me. It’s Jesus! It’s Jesus AS me. It’s Jesus as anyone who believes his work of making each of us fit for God on the cross 2000 years ago is FINISHED!! (Romans 5:1) So, like the surfer, I can strain at being generous, or I can let Jesus BE my generosity. This is the life-gift—Jesus’ life in each of us. Once we each receive it we can gratefully let go of the surfboard, too. Then, as Len Baker says, we can “watch what Jesus does: WWJDin, and through each of us!! Praise be to Jesus!!